Why Buy a Bariatric Lift Chair?

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Why Buy a Bariatric Lift Chair?

Why Buy a Bariatric Lift Chair?

23 November 2020
, Blog

If you have problems with mobility or pain, then a specialist lift chair is a useful piece of furniture to add to your home. While regular lift chairs are a good buy, there are times when you might need more specialist help.

For example, you can buy specialist bariatric lift chairs, either off-the-shelf or in custom designs. How do these chairs work, and what are the benefits of using them?

What Are Bariatric Lift Chairs?

Like any lift chair, a bariatric chair provides cushioned comfort so that you can relax more easily. The chair also changes position so that you can use it more easily.

For example, a lift chair can lift you from a seated to a standing position. These chairs have motors that control certain areas so that you can raise or lower parts of your body as you sit or recline.

Bariatric chairs do all these things. However, they are designed for people who weigh more than the norm. These chairs have a more robust and strengthened structure. They also have specific features that compensate for problems that you might have if you are overweight or obese.

What Are the Advantages of a Bariatric Lift Chair?

If you are even a little heavier than the norm, then a regular lift chair might not be the solution to your problems for long. The chair might not be as functional, cushioned or comfortable as you'd hoped it would be.

The chair might not be designed to hold your weight. Its structure and motors might struggle to work effectively. Its cushioning might flatten out, making the chair less relaxing to sit in. Plus, regular lift chairs might not give you the functions you need from a medical perspective.

For example, they might not raise your legs high enough to reduce pressure, swelling or water retention problems in your feet and legs. If you don't have enough supportive cushioning, then you might suffer from pressure sores or ulcers if you need to sleep in the chair or sit in it for long periods.

Bariatric lift chairs are more robust. You get more space to sit and recline in; they have pressure-support cushions to support your body more effectively. Also, these chairs often have more functions that you'll find useful such as foot and leg rests that go up to a higher level.

To learn more about bariatric chairs and their benefits, ask lift chair suppliers for advice.

About Me
Colonial furniture and furnishings

I love seeing how inventive the first settlers were in managing to furnish their homes using a combination of the items that they brought from Europe as well as the local raw materials. A lot of these pieces got reused so we don't still have them, but now and then you can find a really cool old piece of furniture from those days, and plenty of manufacturers make furniture that has a colonial feel. I am a bit obsessed with old furniture as I think it tells us a story about how those folks lived their life. If you like historical furniture and furnishings and want to incorporate that style into your home, you'll enjoy this blog.
